Friday, October 31, 2008

Not Much New

Well, it's been awhile, however, there's not much new to report. Mom continues to be stable and is doing well, considering her illness. She continues to eat 3 to 4 small meals a day along with a couple of snacks. She's put some weight back on which is a blessing. We are so thankful that she hasn't had any major bedsores. Some small outbreaks have healed very well. About two months she began a different medicine to help with anxiety which seems to be working. She's not as restless as she was before.

We're celebrating a Phillies victory. Mom has a Phillies blanket which keeps her toastie at night. She and Dad always enjoyed watching ball games when we were little and Johnny and I were reminiscing how Dad bought a new color TV to see the Phillies go on to win the World Series in 1980.

Well, we trust you are all well and appreciate you checking in for updates. Please continue to pray for both my brother, John, and myself. There's so much to be done around the property it's just overwhelming and the list seems to keep growing.