Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chocolate Ice Cream

For those of you who know our mom, she has always loved ice cream. As most of you know, she stopped eating a little over a month ago. The one thing that she has taken from time to time is chocolate ice cream. For those of you who are from the Eastern PA area, and have access to Green's Ice Cream, we highly recommend the Dutch Chocolate. At least, mom seems to really enjoy it.

She has been growing more and more restless during the day and night and since she can't speak, it's a guessing game to figure out what's troubling her. Is she in pain? Scared? What's she trying to tell us? Does she want to sit up? Lay down? Is she uncomfortable? Is she thirsty? Hungry? ...and the list goes on. It is so very difficult to see a loved one in need and not know how to meet that need. We are constantly trying new things and ask you to pray for wisdom for us and peace and comfort for mom.

We've heard a lot of positive feedback about this site and are glad it's proven to a blessing for so many to check and get updates. Please email any questions ( you may have and we'll be happy to answer them.

For mom and John,

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